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GameSpot Presents The MIX at GDC 2015

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015 | 19.51

Sarah . I see what you mean... Ronald `s remark is neat, on monday I bought a top of the range Lancia Straton after making $7838 this-last/month and-just over, ten/k lass-month . with-out a doubt this is the nicest-work Ive ever done . I actually started 9-months ago and pretty much immediately startad earning minimum $70... p/h . over here 

►►►► http://j.mp/CashMoneyJob


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The Point - How Content is Killing AAA Games

ear Developer of UBI. Please read this!!

A main story of Arno was not the story about French Revolution in UNITY. It is fraud.

Arno was not involved in the French Revolution at all.

Please change a main story of Arno into to support the revolution and to stop the reign of terror.

Please bring back a confession scene after the assassination.

Please bring back the battle using the hidden blade.

Please bring back human shield.

Please bring back a kill streak.

Please add ambient music in all the time of UNITY.

Arno, please come into contact with a historic celebrity more frequently.

Arno, please become a person in favor of the weak.

Please change clothes of Arno to the black and red

Becaouse clothes of Arno is very blue unlike a package.

Please largely move modern day story to be related to desmond.

Please understand that all of assassin's creed fans made big expectation for the French Revolution.

And, please understand that they were betrayed.

In assassin's creed, all of assassin's creed fans thinking that the French Revolution was too early.

Please know that assassin's creed fan standing in the turning point whether or not abandon UBI.

And all game fans pay attention to the next action of UBI.

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GS News Top 5 - Final Fantasy XV Details, Microwaved 3DS and Kanye West?

Kanye West is making a video game, a rare Majora's Mask 3DS is destroyed, and GTA V is delayed on PC again!

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Join Jess McDonell every weekday for a punchy wrap-up of the biggest news to come out of video games!

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Host: Jess McDonell

Crew: Edmond Tran

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Riot's Marc Merrill Discusses SpectateFaker and Improving Community Relations

Earlier today, Riot Games President Marc Merrill issued a formal statement regarding his company's investigations into the "SpectateFaker" Twitch stream, the Azubu DMCA takedown notice that was issued against it, and Merrill's controversial comments on Reddit and Twitter last weekend.

This morning, I sat down with Merrill to discuss that statement, his interactions with the community, and what this means for Riot going forward.

Riot's statement frequently references Sanghyuk "Faker" Lee's personal desire to have the stream removed as a major motivating factor in their decision to issue the DMCA notice. With the only public comment on the issue coming from his team, SK Telecom, I ask Merrill if Riot had spoken to Faker. I also ask if it was necessary for Lee to personally want the stream taken down or if the organization representing him could request the removal on its own.

"I think that Faker, like any amazing pro athlete around the world, is in clearly high demand," he replies, "and our understanding is that he has a really good relationship with SKT. Otherwise, when he was getting crazy offers to go play for different teams around the world, the assumption would be that he would have taken something like that. That being said, I'm personally not super close to the details in terms of how his relationship works."

Speaking further, Merrill likens the scenario to traditional sports, where players don't have the time or interest to navigate all of the business dealings around their career and end up relying on agents or sports clubs to handle such issues for them. He believes that "it would be a situation like the [Patriots] speaking on behalf of Tom Brady."

"...our mutual understanding of this stuff will continue to evolve and become more clear over time as well."

Is SKT setting a precedent? Would the handling of any future requests for a stream takedown of a professional player's gameplay shift to the team organizations, whether it be in North America, Korea, or elsewhere?

"It's a case-by-case basis. I think we're covering new ground here and need to evaluate the types of things that are going to happen and unfold going forward. In the same way that when we originally launched League of Legends we didn't have the Summoner's Code, we expect these types of things to evolve over time as we learn and get more exposure to what types of divisions we're going to encounter."

Regarding guidelines, much of the public discourse around the SpectateFaker stream involved where the line was drawn. Could someone "unlock" the camera from Faker, create a "SpectateFakersOpponents" stream, or even more broadly, could they create a stream that spectated a team of players instead of an individual? How will Riot determine when "harm" is being done, as referenced in their statement?

Merrill admits that it's hard to figure out where the line is; "We think that the SpectateFaker case is above the line whereas SaltyTeemo is below the line. So that gap is the type of situation that I think is where we're all going to have to work together to figure it out. So we expect that our mutual understanding of this stuff will continue to evolve and become more clear over time as well."

He does promise that for anything "precedent setting," Riot will be transparent with the community and open a line of communication.

But for content creators and fans, this still leaves a lot of questions open. Hypothetically, if I want to create an automated Twitch stream that follows different members of Counter Logic Gaming across their matches, how do I know if I would be at risk for receiving a DMCA takedown notice from Riot after launching it?

"One of the things that I think would be great is if people who are working with the API and trying to build great systems on it, reach out to our dev relations team and talk to us. If they say, 'Here's what I'm trying to do, what do you guys think?' I think as we all figure these things out together, it's about dialogue and getting on the same page about the goal: Let's make sure we don't harm the community in any macro sense or a micro sense for an individual."

Riot hopes that by explaining its intent in today's statement, it's helped players and members of the community understand what the general boundaries are. Merrill adds, "If there's a gray area, we can collaborate to figure out what makes sense and what doesn't."

With its statement, Riot has formally acknowledged that Azubu had no valid right to issue the initial DMCA takedown notice. But did it take Riot over two weeks to publicly address its partner's overreach?

"Our goal is to nurture this positive and engaging global community"

Merrill explains that Riot "needed to look into it and double-check our facts." Now that they have, he feels comfortable clarifying its position, which is, "If there are going to be any takedowns, they will be from us."

Our conversation then turns to the individual that started it all: StarlordLucian, the SpectateFaker stream administrator. I'm curious if Merrill or Riot have reached out to him directly yet. "Our only communication currently has been through Twitter and/or Reddit. I would love to in the future, but we haven't done that yet."

Finally, we arrive at a more personal subject: Merrill's controversial and emotional comments the weekend before. Riot is no stranger to events unfolding in an unpredictable way that leads passionate fans to intense discussion. Why did this moment in particular spark such an immediate and unrestrained reaction?

Merrill describes his initial reaction upon becoming aware of the situation: "My mind instantly went to 'Oh my God! Precedent!' and we're theoretically entering this new gray area where a bunch of bad situations might manifest. The worst case scenario for me would be that Riot wouldn't stake the type of position where we can protect players in the way that we always care about doing. Our goal is to nurture this positive and engaging global community through esports and all those different dimensions. Everything that we've done has always been consistent with that, we think. And if there's ever something that isn't right, then we quickly adjust course, apologize, and try to evolve. We're going to continue doing that going forward."

The emotional reaction, Merrill attributes, to a personal sense of desire to help the disenfranchised. He recounts several life events where he was angered or frustrated by an individual or a group being mistreated. "That's why I was emotional in the reactions and what I clearly screwed up was, I muddied the message because of the emotion. I was meant to just talk about the case and the principles, but then I ended up doing some things which came across as attacking an individual which was definitely not my intention at all."

Merrill explains that while he was very active in the community in the early days of Riot, that involvement has dropped off as the company has scaled. He hopes that both he and CEO Brandon "Ryze" Beck can work to improve their personal relationship with the community so that players have better context and understanding when they make personal statements. "At the end of the day, the reason Riot is the way it is from a lot of dimensions is because we don't see ourselves as above the community, we see ourselves as a part of it. Sometimes we forget that we could be perceived as these dudes that have this powerful voice, because we don't see ourselves that way."

He explains that he never wanted players thinking his comments were an official statement from Riot. "What I was trying to do was say that we're going to look into this and come out with something. I'm concerned."

Ultimately, Merrill does not feel discouraged by the harsh feedback from the community, "A lot of the comments are really well-deserved. I botched a lot of the intent through bad, reactive messaging, so I don't blame the community for anything. We've been in their shoes many times and been pissed at online game companies that are doing things that we perceive to not make sense. The comments sting, of course, but I think it's the case where it motivates us to get more involved. If there was more of a relationship there, like there has been in years past, this type of stuff would be easier to reconcile."

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Battlefield Hardline’s Visuals Aim for Believability, Realism

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Jumat, 27 Februari 2015 | 19.51

Battlefield Hardline's visual direction is aiming for "heightened, dramatic realism," creative director Ian Milham wrote in a post today on the publisher's official site. "We're not worried about authenticity so much as believability."

The look is meant to help sell the fact that the game is set in the real world. "Everyone's detector is finely honed for the real world. If it's not believable, it's immediately noticeable compared to what you can get away with in a fantasy or sci-fi environment."

For inspiration, the team pulled from the simple, saturated look of many Michael Mann films, specifically Heat, Collateral, Thief, and Miami Vice. Ian hopes that the focus on visual presentation will help tell stories and sell some of that plausibility.

"For instance, on 'Bank Job' you can see how the first criminal team must've gone into the bank before the round starts, with the blown open doors in the front providing a distraction, and the strike team eliminating guards in the back. We also put in all the culture and signage around the world to help it feel like a real place and not just a 'multiplayer map.'"

Hardline launches March 17 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can see more of the game in the images below.

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Destroyer Annihilation - Homeworld Remastered - Multiplayer Beta

@Gelugon_baat The idea of seeing your production line from a central base was fairly common; (I believe) it was introduced Dune. The main difference with Homeworld is that the central base itself is a character.

Aside from an 3d graphics overhaul, Gearbox improved the interface; it's much better now and also features scaling, which is great for people such as myself with poor eye-sight on a HD-TV; which makes reading text very difficult.

The main issue I see with Gearbox now (since they done a stunning job) is the future of the franchise. Will it become a console FPS? Will future sequels be designed with console in mind? Spammed with DLC? Selling packs of units? 

All this horrible crap is common now: expected. 

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Top Digital PlayStation Games Generate Twice the Revenue of Xbox Games

Sony's PlayStation 4 has had a strong start in 2015 and impressive sales numbers overall. But while the Xbox One picked up during the tail end of 2014, data from research company SuperDataResearch shows that the PS4 is still coming out on top in terms of digital game sales.

Looking at digital sales for the top 10 best-selling games of January (listed below) the PS4 and PS3 accounted for 43% and 20% respectively of total purchases. By comparison, Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles totaled just 37% altogether.

It's worth pointing out, again, that the data doesn't take into account all digital sales data, only the top 10 games. Data for PC, Nintendo consoles, and mobile was not included in this study.

According to SuperData, the top 10 digital games for January 2015 were:

  1. Grand Theft Auto V
  2. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
  3. Destiny
  4. Dying Light
  5. Battlefield 4
  6. Resident Evil HD: Remastered
  7. Minecraft
  8. Call of Duty: Ghosts
  9. Madden NFL 15
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

That contrasts with physical retail data from the NPD for January 2015 where Dying Light came out as the number one game. Collectively, digital game sales accounted for $133 million in revenue according to SuperData. These figures were pulled from from spending data for 37 million customers and include both full game downloads and DLC. Physical retail games according to the NPD generated $235 million.

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Capcom Apologizes For Lack Of Resident Evil Revelations 2 Local Co-op on PC

Capcom has issued an apology to users who purchased a PC version of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 for the lack of an offline co-operative mode.

Posting on the Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Steam page, the publisher explained that the feature "wasn't intended for this version and that caveat was mistakenly omitted from the product description on the Steam page earlier, and then included as soon as we were made aware. This was an unintentional error and again, we apologize for the confusion this may have caused."

Capcom assured that it was investigating the matter and "potential solutions," saying it hoped to bring out updates "very soon." This suggests that Capcom may not be end up implementing a split-screen co-op mode, but another alternative gameplay mode.

Offline co-op was initially advertised as a feature in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 on its Steam store page. The description of the game stated that players will be able to "overcome the nightmares in either single player mode with an AI partner or offline co-op." According to Capcom, offline co-op was removed to ensure more stable user experiences across different PC settings.

The first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 launched earlier this week, with the remaining three episodes to be released over the coming month. Check out how it scored in GameSpot's review.

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Quick Time Event Fails Montage - Out of Order: 1886

Written By Kom Limpulnam on Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 | 19.51

@rebfaction The entire QTE concept is regressive crap.

The best games allow players to determine their own course of action, to create (or at least influence) events instead of merely reacting to them.  That's the whole point of "interactive entertainment":  it's not a movie or book or song where you simply absorb what is handed to you. Hell, even movies and books allow people to jump to individual scenes and chapters; likewise, albums and playlists let you skip to certain songs.  That's more options than QTEs give.

QTEs aren't much more than "Okay, you're in this situation, so press this button.  Hurry!  ...Okay, good.  Now here's another situation.  Press the button quickly again!"

That's "Dragon's Lair" gameplay --- and Dragon's Lair was great when it came out.... in 1983, no less.  32 years ago.

It's 2015 now, and games should allow players the freedom of choosing their own strategies; if a player plans poorly or has poor technique, then let them fail.  If a player is crafty and skilled, let them succeed.  Merely testing a player's reflexes in a "Simon Says" fashion is an archaic form of gameplay.

Even decent games with QTE (such as Heavy Rain & God of War, as mentioned by Ovirew below) are PS2-era games.  It is therefore not surprising when players complain about QTEs in newer "next-gen" games.

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Latest Leaked Destiny Screens Reveal Social Space on Reef

The Reddit user who recently published a payload of leaked Destiny screens, which had laid bare the upcoming House of Wolves expansion, has disclosed another batch of enlightening images.

Known by the online handle Megamanexe4, the anonymous Japan-based Destiny fan has discovered a reference to the "Reef Social Space" within the game's files. An image of the "Select Destination" screen appears to suggest that this will be a non-combat zone, likely similar to the Tower hub on Earth, though Bungie has not revealed or confirmed any details.

Bungie has, in the past, noted that images and details that leak online may not be representative of the final product.

For now, the Reef in Destiny remains an asteroid belt that players visit for just a handful of cut-scenes. How, or if, Bungie will expand the Reef is a matter for debate. Two years ago the studio mentioned plans to build a social hub on the level, but since then has not mentioned such plans. It is possible that the Reef Social Space was scrapped before Destiny's release, and the discovery of this destination is merely a loose end.

Meanwhile, the leaker has also published more information on possible Crucible matches and Queen of the Reef missions, which can be studied below.

Further down, the first payload of House of Wolves details can be found.

House of Wolves will mark the second major expansion to Destiny, following the release of the Dark Below in December, and is expected to launch between April and June. The Reddit leaker has previously suggested that the planned Destiny House of Wolves release date is May 19.

Publisher Activision has also confirmed a second major Destiny release will go live before the end of 2015.

House of Wolves Leak

(Click on the thumbnails to view in full screen - Update: if full screen is not working, right-click or middle-click to view in another window)

New Warlock Amour

New Hunter Amour

New Titan Amour

Strike Mission Descriptions

New weapons

Nightfall Strike (Level 32)

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